Herik: the village saved by miracle

Herik village, along with Moshatagh and Berdik, is in the Moshatagh region. Herik is located 45 kilometers north east from the Kashatagh’s central region of Berdzor. The village was liberated during the Artsakh war in 1991-92. Resettlement began around 1995-96.
There were only 30 families in the region during those years. The village lacked electricity and a school for a couple of years after the resettlement.
Once deserted and now resettled Herik
The village was deserted because of the lack of electricity from 1999-2000. It seemed like destruction of the village was inevitable. However, this village was destined to live and be reborn once more. The two families of Bakunts brothers were left alone to maintain and control the whole village and not let the homes be destroyed. Those homes would later serve for the incoming settlers.
With the decision of Kashatagh’s Regional Council in 2009-2010, resettlement began once again for Herik. A few families had already moved in the village and electricity was restored.
The school built by Hayrenaser is the driving force for rural development
After some basic necessities were provided for, the lack of school remained a priority in the village. The students would have their lessons in a deteriorated and damp house. The parents wanted to take their kids out of the school and the village as soon as possible. Many families avoided settling there because of the poor condition of the school.
The regional director, Sirak Soghomonyan said that many were skeptical that their crumbling building would be restored and built into a new and modern school.
Many didn’t believe that this project would become a reality. However, Hayrenaser and its donors believed in its success. Within a few months, it was possible to turn the ruin into a comfortable and clean school. Today, new families began moving into the village by taking into consideration the presence of the school. “Just yesterday, on September 1st, a family with three kids moved here,” informed Sirak Soghomonyan. The school in Herik has become the assurance of its existence, development and establishment.
Herik Now
Herik today has 12 households
The village has more hope for the future now. Parents seeing the establishment of the new school are no longer thinking about taking their kids out of school or moving somewhere else. The students are now happily attending the new and furbished school, which was only a dream last year. The villagers are ready to live and work in Herik if the right infrastructure and establishments are in place for them to thrive.
The position of the village allows for the growth of large volumes of wheat and barley, which is what people are cultivating there currently.

The roads are also being currently repaired. The regional director said that during the repairs, Khachkars- cross stones, were discovered and moved to the existing medieval churchyard of the village.
Herik was liberated at the cost of an Armenian soldiers’ lives and little piece of land is sanctified by the blood of the fighters.

The People of Herik realize this very well. In fact, they were one of the first ones who forgot about their home and work and voluntarily hurried to the front lines of the border, when the tension in April began. “Of course were the first ones to go, only 6-7 people from Herik and 45 overall from the region went to the front lines and actively participated in the protection of the homeland. We went there because we understand why we live here,” said Sirak Soghomonyan proudly.
During the tension in April, one of our construction workers and the manager of construction were also at the front lines. We are confident that after their return from the border, they have doubled their dedication and efforts towards the school which is at the rear of the border.
We can hear confidence and happiness in the regional director’s voice. He is happy that the village will from now on live a full life, that people would want to move here with their kids to give them the opportunity to study in a new and comfortable school, instead of moving out.
Herik deserves an excellent future and will have one.
Tamara Grigoryan
Hayrenaser Organization